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Tiffany Diab

And now for everyone's favorite topic...

And now for a topic no one wants to talk about–urinary tract infections 😜.

If you’ve ever had a UTI, you know the feeling of being on fire. Without relief, that pain is enough to bring a grown man to his knees (and a grown woman).

Imagine your sweet fur baby feeling that and not being able to tell you how much pain they’re in. That’s horrible, right? And when you don’t know what to do for them, it’s even worse!

So, let’s chat a little bit about what you can do to help them at home without the need for toxic antibiotics or any other harsh treatment.

The first thing you should know is that your pet’s body is naturally acidic, which is a crucial defense mechanism against pathogens like bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and even cancer. The acids present in their body—such as amino acids from proteins, fatty acids from fats, and hydrochloric acid in their stomachs—play a vital role in maintaining this acidity. This acidic environment is not just a feature–it's a defense strategy. Pathogens simply don’t thrive in acidic conditions.

Fun fact: this is why altering your pet’s natural pH with something like alkaline water can be counterproductive. Their bodies are designed to function optimally in an acidic state, and introducing alkaline substances can disrupt this natural balance.

One of the key factors in addressing UTIs is the pH level of your pet's urine. Ideally, the urine pH should be between 6.0 and 6.5. However, I've often seen pets with a urine pH of around 8.0, which is too alkaline and provides a more favorable environment for bacteria to grow.

To restore the urine to a more acidic state and create an inhospitable environment for pathogens, I recommend using Cal-Amo. This wonderful supplement helps to acidify the body, including the bladder.

In addition to acidifying the urine, detoxification is crucial. Arginex is excellent for supporting kidney and bladder detoxification, while Cataplex A-C-P provides nutritional support to the bladder, helping it recover and function properly.

For those UTIs that might be caused by E. coli–particularly common in female pets–D-Mannose can be a powerful ally. This natural sugar works by binding to the E. coli bacteria, preventing them from attaching to the bladder lining and allowing them to be flushed out during urination.

As with most things, it’s best to proactively create an environment of wellness in your pet’s body by taking steps to maintain proper acidity in their bodies, and getting them checked out by our clinic if you suspect something is off. Stopping the fire before it happens is always better than having to don your firefighter hat!

By maintaining the natural acidity of your pet's body and supporting their kidneys and bladder, you can help them overcome UTIs at home. As always, if you have any concerns or if symptoms persist, schedule an appointment with us and we’ll be happy to get your furry child back to their happy self.

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